
Nutrition Programs

The Daily Bread program is a midday meal program offered at 7 congregate sites in Sangamon and Menard Counties. Daily Bread offers a nourishing meal, an opportunity for fellowship, informative programs, and social activities.

Home-delivered meals are available for individuals 60 years of age and over who are home bound and on a general diet.

A voluntary donation of $5.00 per meal to help supplement partial grant funds is appreciated, but not required.
» March Daily Bread Menu

» April Daily Bread Menu

Home Delivered Meals: Daily Bread volunteers deliver hot, nutritious midday meals to home bound seniors on a general diet Monday through Friday. This program serves seniors throughout Sangamon and Menard Counties.

Who’s Eligible: Homebound seniors 60 years of age and over, without dietary restrictions.

What’s the Cost: A suggested donation of $5.00 per meal is appreciated, but not required.

How do I get started: Please contact the Daily Bread office at (217) 528-4035, ext. 1123.

Congregate Locations: We have a total of 7 Daily Bread Congregate sites. Join us for lunch Monday through Friday at our Athens, Chatham, Divernon, Greenview, Petersburg, or Springfield sites. Our Tallula site is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Please see below for further information regarding eligibility, cost, and reservations.

Who’s Eligible: Homebound seniors 60 years of age and over, without dietary restrictions.

What’s the Cost: For individuals 60 years of age and over, a suggested donation of $5.00 per meal is appreciated, but not required. For guests under the age of 60, there is a fee of $7.00 for lunch.

How do I get started: Please contact the Daily Bread office at (217) 528-4035, ext. 1123. Reservations are required at least one day in advance.

Athens: 110 W. Jackson St. (217) 801-4914

Auburn: 153 N. 5th St. (217) 691-1909

Chatham: 111 W. Mulberry St. (217) 483-3792

Greenview: 114 N. Engle St. (217) 968-5323

Petersburg: 209 E. Sheridan Rd. (217) 632-4314

Springfield: 701 W. Mason (217) 528-4035, ext 121

Tallula: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday only; 103 W Main St., Tallula, IL (217) 801-4469

Program funding partially provided by Area Agency on Aging for Lincolnland, Illinois Department on Aging, United Way of Central Illinois and King’s Daughters Organization.

Springfield Specialty Meals on Wheels (SSMOW) is a home-delivered meal program focused on physician prescribed, specialty dietary needs (low sodium, diabetic, etc). SSMOW volunteers deliver hot, midday meals, Monday through Friday, customized to your dietary needs. Participants may add a breakfast meal to their delivery for an additional cost. At this time, delivery is available in Springfield only.

Who's Eligible: Anyone who has difficulty preparing meals for themselves.

What's the Cost: $8.75 per lunch, $5.00 per breakfast (optional), billed monthly.

How Do I Get Started: Please contact the Springfield Specialty Meals on Wheels office at (217)528-4035, ext. 124.

Volunteer Today!

Can you spare an hour or two once a week, once a month, or once in a while? Volunteers make our Nutrition programs work?

Daily Bread volunteers deliver 20 meals between 9:30 am - noon, and Meals on Wheels volunteers deliver 5-10 meals between 11:15 am - 1 pm.

For more information, call (217) 528-4035 and ask for either Daily Bread or Springfield Specialty Meals on Wheels.

We look forward to speaking with you!

Here are some quotes from recipients of the meals:

"You really stepped up and made a difficult situation manageable." — Out of state daughter-in-law of two meal recipients

"The volunteers have become like my own little family over the past few years." — Meal recipient

"The meals are delicious, and all of the volunteers are so nice. I can manage on my own now." — Meal recipient

"That volunteer is so special, and so are you. Thank you for all you’ve done. I’m going to cry now, so I’ll say goodbye." — Meal recipient

"It warms my heart to know that my group is able to volunteer for Daily Bread. We are rewarded weekly through this organization and those we are able to serve." — Volunteer

Rotary Club of Springfield South
Rotary Club of Springfield (Downtown)